WeFindX Database Download

The database combines the data from multiple infinity project servers around the world into a single database. You can connect to the database (running MongoDB 3.6.2) by:

mongo --host mongodb://public:data@wefindx.net

To download all the topics, comments and transactions to work with locally, you can do:

mongoexport -h wefindx.net:27017 --authenticationDatabase admin -u public -p data -d public -c topics > topics.json

mongoexport -h wefindx.net:27017 --authenticationDatabase admin -u public -p data -d public -c comments > comments.json

mongoexport -h wefindx.net:27017 --authenticationDatabase admin -u public -p data -d public -c translactions > transactions.json

Please, contact ideas@wefindx.com for special access to the non-public databases. You may need to sign a non-disclosure agreement to do that.

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